Alessandro Piovaccari

Chief Scientist

Alessandro Piovaccari is Chief Scientist of Circuit. With more than three decades of experience in the tech industry, Alessandro brings a wealth of knowledge and technical expertise to the engineering team. 

Currently, Alessandro serves as a scientific and strategy advisor for several companies in the AI/ML field. He is also Adjunct Professor at the University of Bologna, Visiting Professor of University of Pavia, and Vice President of Conferences for the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Solid-State Circuit Society. 

Previously, Alessandro was CTO, SVP of Engineering at Silicon Labs where he co-architected and led the development of wireless and IoT SoC-integrated circuits. Most notably, Alessandro drove development of the first worldwide single-chip TV tuner IC, still used by nine of the world’s top-ten TV makers, and the first two generations of the ultra-low power IoT wireless microcontrollers. 

Alessando received his PhD and Laurea degrees in EECS from the University of Bologna and a post-graduate certificate in EECS from Johns Hopkins University. He is a senior member of IEEE and Lifetime Fellow at Silicon Labs, with more than 30 patents. Alessandro is also passionate about education, volunteering with multiple organizations including UTeach, Skillpoint Alliance and the Johns Hopkins University Center for Leadership Education of the Whiting School of Engineering. 


Andrew Peters, Chief Product and Revenue Officer


Patrick O'Keeffe, VP of Engineering